Bau asap rokok yang melekat pada baju perokok boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit

Bau asap rokok yang melekat pada baju perokok boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit kepada anak-anak perokok

The Dangers of Third Hand Smoke
Eli Hendel, M.D., Health Professional

Even when a smoker has stopped puffing away, the furniture nearby may still be.

Studies show that these residual chemicals, byproducts of cigarette smoke, can cling to hair, skin, clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, and carpets. They linger long after the smoker has left the area. Residue can also linger on interior car surfaces. This can also be a problem in hotels that allow smoking on some floors. The residue also typically builds up on these surfaces over time.

A large study of more than 95,000 cases presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies in 2016 shows that a quarter of American children lived with smokers, and these children had significantly higher doctor and hospital visits, as well as increased rates of infections, asthma flare-ups and other respiratory events, compared to children living in households with no smokers.

What is third-hand smoke?Exposure to tobacco doesn’t just mean being in the direct presence of a smoker or being in an environment right after someone has smoked. There is also a phenomenon called third-hand smoke. Third-hand smoke is exposure to the residuals of nicotine and other chemicals left on surfaces by smoke.

This thirdhand smoke residue resists normal cleaning and cannot be eliminated simply by airing rooms, opening windows, vacuuming, or using fans.

What kind of danger does this chemical residue pose?

Many studies assess Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) in this third-hand residual form. It appears that the danger posed is actually from the transformation that takes place once the residue is present. The residue from nicotine and its breakdown products can recombine and form carcinogens called nitrosamines.

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