Rembau terkenal dengan senjata paling hebat di dunia satu ketika dulu

Rembau terkenal dengan Golok Rembau atau Keris Rembau sebelum zaman kesultanan Melaka lagi. Satu sejarah yang tidak pernah diketengahkan atau dikaji oleh mana-mana pihak. Keris Rembau yang hebat ini menggunakan teknologi nano seumpama pembuatan “Damascus steel” seperti pedang Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayubi , sejenis besi yang begitu kuat tetapi boleh dilentur seperti plastik, mampu memotong besi lain dan mampu membelah kain sutera dan bulu pelepah burung.

Sesiapa yang ada bahan berkaitan teknologi pembuatan Keris Rembau atau Pisau Rembau atau Golok Rembau yang tidak pernah dikaji ini harap maklumkan kepada saya.

(Anak-anak dan adik-adik yang di bangku sekolah dan di IPT, jangan bosan menuntut ilmu, terutama mengaji dan mentadabbur al Quran)

“I have seen some beautiful specimens of this weapon in Rumbowe (Rembau), worn by the chiefs of that state. The blades resembled that of a long, keen poniard of Damascus steel; the handles of ebony, covered with flowered gold, and sheaths richly ornamented with the same metal; they are used in the execution of criminals.
Source: Walter William Skeat. MALAY MAGIC: An Introduction To The Folklore and Popular Religion Of The Malay Peninsular. London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd. 1900.

Golok Rembau : sejenis senjata yg matanya diasah melengkung (penumbuk lada)

Basically there are five types of keris namely the keris :
1. from the Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia and Patani
2. from Rembau
3. the Javanese Keris
4. the Bugis Keris
5. the Sumatran Keris.

Pisau Rembau yang berkualiti tinggi mestilah mempunyai 4 syarat ketandaannya :
- Butir Padi dibelakangnya
- Ada Perut ditengahnya, Ada Besi Lipat
- Ada Tapak Gajah
- Ada 'Cobang'.

The arms manufactured by the Bugis are in great repute among the Malays ; also those made at Menangkabowe, particularly the matchlocks and swords ; and those of Rumbowe in the Peninsula. Rumbowe is celebrated for a particular sort of kris, called " Guloh Rumbowe." The Malays of Malacca ascribe the introduc tion of the kris to the celebrated Hong Tuah, who flourished in the reign of Mansur Shah, Sultan of  " At Menancabo excellent poniards made, called creeses ; best weapons of all the Orient." (Argensola, 1609.)

Damascus steel was a type of steel used in Middle Eastern swordmaking. Damascus steel was created from wootz steel, a steel developed in India around 300 BC.  These swords are characterized by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water. Such blades were reputed to be tough, resistant to shattering and capable of being honed to a sharp, resilient edge.

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